Fresh 4.5 is now available

There are more reasons to love your phone again.

See what's new

There's a lot to love on Fresh.

Easy to switch to
With an easy-to-use install wizard and support for over-the-air software updates, Fresh is easy to install to your needs and update as needed.
Optimized by you
Powered by Mint Kernel and machine learning, Fresh adapts to you; optimizing performance and battery life as you use your phone.
Flagship-class features
From camera features to life improvements, Fresh brings features you're going to see for the first time on your phone.
Delightfully customizable
Fresh includes its customization center Zest and supports Magisk and Zygisk so you can install and customize your phone to your heart's content.
Open source
From Fresh's first-party apps to its infrastructure, you can easily check and trust what's going on. See the repositories here.
An awesome community
Fresh is a growing community of users, contributors, and developers doing amazing things on Fresh and making it better.

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Your phone, more awesome

From an intuitive install wizard to the features you have only seen on a new device, Fresh brings a lot to the table in making your device even more awesome. Plus, with an optimized system and kernel, you'll never have to worry about missing out again.

With Color Palette, Zygisk, and customization features more akin to an AOSP-based ROM1, you'll never have to make compromises between one that fully works on your device yet with customization options to make your phone truly yours.


A camera that surpasses itself

Powered by the latest HDR and "high resolution" technology from ArcSoft®, Fresh's camera enhances photos on the fly, bringing more dynamic range2 to the moments you capture in life.

Plus, get creative with features such as Fun Mode, Single Take, and AR Emoji. Taking photos has never been this fun yet easy until now.

Cares for you, and itself

Suit your device with your lifestyle with Digital Wellbeing and Routines. Automate your life from turning on the vaccuum cleaner when you leave your home, to turning off the lights as soon as you fall asleep. Remind you to give your eyes a rest and even remind you of your listening habits.

When it's time to do awesome things, Device Care, Mint Kernel, and Fresh's Performance Modes will take care in optimizing your device so you can do more without having to fiddle with settings.


Amazing things await with just a tap

Fresh has made it easier to get awesome stuff without having to be even tethered to a PC. From Zest to over-the-air software updates, it's now effortless to get new stuff that will make your device even more awesome.

Simply check for updates, install, and bam! You'll have the latest version of Fresh in no time.

Easy to love, easy to install

Get Fresh for your device today.

  • Supported Devices

    • Samsung Galaxy A50 (International)
  • Coming from official software?

    Start using Fresh by visiting the wiki here.

  • Coming from a custom firmware?

    See installation instructions here.

Get Fresh for your device

Fresh 4.5.0 Release

Need help?

We'd love to answer your questions.

Join the Community

Developers and users can easily help you through the Fresh Project's official Discord server.

File an Issue

File an issue through Fresh's official GitHub repositories.

Do I need to install anything else after installing Fresh?

There is no need! Fresh is already pre-patched for optimal use on your device. Simply Reboot to the System after installing Fresh.

How do I update my Fresh installation?

It's very easy! Simply go to Settings, tap Software update, tap Download and install, and wait for updates to be installed (if any).

Do you track my usage?

Fresh's services include analytics from CloudFlare and Google Analytics in order to optimize them for future releases. No personally-identifiable information is sent to Fresh.

How often do you release updates?

Fresh follows the "it's released as long as ready" model, with updates being released once it has passed testing. Depending on schedule, this can take a day up to a few weeks.

I'm a developer and would like to help.

Developers and contributors are welcome! Simply file a Pull Request on Fresh's repositories or join the community.

I have more questions.

Visit the Fresh Wiki here for more information on Fresh's features and more.